1. Metaphysics: Philosophical studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality, such as examining the principles of being, identity, consciousness, or knowledge (branches include ontology and epistemology).

  2. Identity: an individual’s sense of self as defined by physical, psychological, and interpersonal characteristics as well as social roles and affiliations, thus, providing a sense of sameness and continuity for the self over time.

  3. Systematic Oppression: A mistreatment or form of violence enforced by society and its institutions towards people within a social identity group.

  4. Being: Those who exist in a context which is defined by a history and where there are laws and established conceptions about social interaction, subjectivity, the world, etc. and forms subjectivity through a collective anonymous figure, such as the herd or masses of people. The anticipation of death detaches the subject from the herd and provides a means for achievement and authenticity on an individual level (as defined by Martin Heidegger)

  5. Other (damné): one who does not fit in within the limits of Being; a non-being or invisible entity; a state of perpetual invisibility, dehumanization, and nearness to death as a result of colonization (as defined by Frantz Fanon and Nelson Maldonado-Torres).

  6. Decolonization: A confrontation with the racial, gender, and sexual hierarchies that were put in place or strengthened by European colonization and enslavement across the globe; Opposition to the current coloniality of power, knowledge, and being (as defined by Nelson Maldonado-Torres).

  7. Transmutation: The action of changing into another form, nature, or condition.

  8. Expression: The communication of beliefs, opinions, and feelings; the manner or form of making something known (an attempt at visibility).

  9. Posthumanism: The area of thought that seeks to rewrite the definition of what it means to be human and seeks to expand the concept of identity; typically drawing comparisons of the human body and consciousness to advanced technologies.

  10. Materialization: To come into perceptible existence, to become real.

  11. Queering: The action of challenging and breaking apart conventional categories. The gesture of calling for one to resist, reclaim, invent, defy, disturb, undermine, make visible, move beyond, subvert, unsettle, celebrate, interrogate, provoke, or rebel (as defined by Noreen Giffney and Myra J. Hird).