Analyzing song lyrics as a method of making – forming self-dialogue around identity. Lyrical music addressing the artist’s personal identity is commonly written about not fitting in due to external factors, and occasionally how one has become a new person as a result of this alienation. This similar structure across songs helps to build a close, personal connection with artists’ fans as well, who seek out and relate to these messages about being an outcast. By analyzing songs that follow this narrative, the various procedures for transforming the self is revealed.
Methods for media collection ︎︎︎
Genius + lyric matches
Genius + lyric matches
Key word search ︎︎︎
“Identity/crisis”, “who are you/who am I”, “reconstruct/rebirth/reborn”, “my body is/my face is”, “ask myself/yourself”, “as a child/when I was young”, “play pretend”, “English + translation”.
Songs to exclude ︎︎︎
- Songs written towards/for other people (romantic, break-ups, challenging, bragging).
Youtube videos, book/speech transcripts, musicals.
If a song description is provided and it doesn’t mention any of the themes to include.
Solely instrumental songs.
Songs to include ︎︎︎
- Political or social commentary.
- Song’s topic is specificall about the self (the singer).
- Mentions of being an outcast
- Commentary on dissatisfaction of self/society is a part of song’s overall narrative (ex: main commentary is on society, but how it effects the self is mentioned).
- If a song description is provided and it mentions any of the themes to include.
- If the song is a metaphor, that metaphor is explained in a provided song description/notation
- Political or social commentary.
- Song’s topic is specificall about the self (the singer).
- Mentions of being an outcast
- Commentary on dissatisfaction of self/society is a part of song’s overall narrative (ex: main commentary is on society, but how it effects the self is mentioned).
- If a song description is provided and it mentions any of the themes to include.
- If the song is a metaphor, that metaphor is explained in a provided song description/notation
Songs analyzed * ︎︎︎
Riquiqui by Arca ︎︎
iT by Christine and the Queens ︎︎
Immaterial by SOPHIE ︎︎
Faceshopping by SOPHIE ︎︎
Faceshopping by SOPHIE ︎︎